Lately I've been listening to a few of my friends, co-workers, and family about their "relationship problems" and it seems to me that a lot of the problems in relationships string from an issue in communication. If your communication in your relationship is barely there or non-exsistant then of course it will cause a huge strain on you and your significant other, OR even if you are just testing the waters with someone special and your not quite in a relationship you still have to have great communication, this is where it is crucial! I just don't understand communication issues in relationships, i mean its not hard people. Let me give you a few helpful hints that i have learned over time........
1. When on the phone always talk don't leave any room for silence in your conversation. If the other person senses silence they will tend to say "let me call you back".....or "well i guess i'll talk to u later"....prompting them to do something else or call someone more interesting.
2. A really great way to avoid silence in a conversation or those "awkard so umm yea pauses" is to never answer a question with a one word answer. Always give at least one detail for example If someone ask:
"So what did u do today?"
Wrong Answer: "Nothin"
Better Answer:"Nothin really just watched a movie"
Fantastic Answer!!:"Nothin really just watched Twilight, I love that movie"
See the difference?? The Wrong Answer is too closed there is no room for more conversation. The Better Answer is good because there is room for conversation such as "Oh really? what movie?" or "what movies do u like". The Fantastic Answer is awesome because there is plenty of room for conversation and plenty of direction. Direction is important in conversation too because it leads the path of what you talk about next. For example with the Fantastic Answer the listener could follow with "Oh really Twilight? I've never seen it, whats it about?" or "Yea that movie is the ish, whats you favorite part?" See what im saying? By giving a detailed answer you continue with a great conversation. The other half of communication is LISTNING to each other. Dont be so keen on getting your points and views accross that you fail to listen to how the other person feels. This causes aurguments and really will get you no where fast. You will just end up seeing how loud each other can go screaming to get a point accross. I hate aurguing but when i do disagree with another person i really try hard to talk not yell so we both understand each other. I really hope these communication tips helped you all. If you still have questions feel free to ask, if not remember that a good 85% of a realationship is communication.
so true, one word answers can be deemed negative and lead onto an argument or tension between couples.