Saturday, July 4, 2009

Get It Together Grouch!!!

Lately, i've felt like this guy. Don't get me wrong i'm happy for my friends. My homie Doni is plannin to move in with her boo, My homie Trice is happy with her boo (my cuddin), My homie Tito is with her boo livin it up, My homie Breeze is workin it out with the BD, and my sister Kristen is FINALLY in a happy healthy relationship, not to mention my other sister Toni has been with her boyfriend for 5 years now. Trust me i'm really happy for everybody, really i am but sometimes there's this little voice in me that's just like "i really don't want to hear it, damn i'm lonely". 100% pure Grouch ain't it??? I know, maybe that happens to everyone at a point in time. I wish my boo could be here with me, but he's over 1,000 miles and a 24 hour drive away! I know what your
thinking....."DAYUUUM!!" Yea I know right. But you know what on a brighter note good things come to those who wait. And I really don't blame my homegirls how could I? I know when my boo is here I'm with him all the time, and when your happy like that you want to share your happiness with your friends. So I understand. I guess untill my boo comes back home or I go see him (*24 hour drive =( *) I'll just have to get it together Grouch!!!..........


  1. oh wow (i guess) and im mad im last!!!

  2. in due time brandy yall will be together, dont be a grouch

  3. ::makes an "L" with his index and thumb and puts it up to to forehead::
